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You will find as you travel around the world that each country has specific game elements and methods that work better then others. In Vietnam, online dating is king, with the exception of social circle game. If your looking towards maximizing your returns while here, online game cannot be neglected. It will make up a huge chunk of your game here.
But what are the best dating websites and apps in Vietnam?
Which Ones to Use?
Well after having gone through close to a dozen different online dating websites and apps, these are the best online dating websites and apps in Vietnam that I found.
Out of all the dating apps out there in Vietnam, you will find the highest concentration of cute girls on here. To further sweeten things, you will often times have lots of girls chasing after you instead of the other way around. It feels good to be chased, doesn’t it?
I kid you not, after joining the website, I was flooded with messages and likes from girls within 24 hours. In fact, it got to the point where I was becoming overwhelmed by the sheer volume of girls interested in me.
Now I know how girls feel like when girls get flooded with attention from hundreds to thousands of thirsty foreign men running bad game on them.
In addition, you will find getting them out is way easier as most of the girls are serious about dating unlike certain apps where girls go on there to look for attention and waste men’s time.
Also you will rarely see those Vietnamese girls that look for foreigners to practice English on there. For those purposes, they prefer Tinder.
Now keep in mind, to fully use VietnamCupid, you will need to get a paid membership.
There are two types of paid memberships: a gold and a platinum membership. Both are basically the same with a few small exceptions such as having your profile bumped all the way to the top of searches and also having your profile highlighted, and the ability to translate messages. This essentially makes you an online billboard for attention that makes it easy for girls to find you.
Start meeting beautiful Vietnamese girls today by signing up here.
To read my full review about VietnamCupid, click here
What starts with a T and ends with an R? Tinder! This hugely popular dating app has made its way over to Vietnam and almost everyone is using it nowadays, although not for its real intended purpose sometimes.
You will find a very large percentage of young cute girls on Tinder. Most of their profiles however will saw “NO ONS, NO FWB” because a lot of guys in the past peed in the pond one too many times.
But despite this, you will still find a lot of girls eager to have some fun and quick flings. Getting a paid membership is not necessarily, although it does save you a lot of time.
The simple intuitive user interface has helped make this app hugely popular among the younger crowd. There are some issues however with this app.
Lots of hookers and ladyboys are present, and you will also deal with gold diggers, girls just looking for attention, and girls just looking to practice their English or look for friends only.
Once you’ve managed to weed through all of those girls however, you will be left with a handful of cute girls that are looking to date either casually or seriously.

You can read my full review of Tinder here.

AsianDating is a sister dating site of VietnamCupid run by the same company. Unlike VietnamCupid however, you now have a range of Asian girls from all over the world at your finger tips that you can communicate with.
Love Vietnamese girls, but also have a thing for Thais?
Having a hard time taking your eyes off those Taiwanese girls?
No problem, you can now message and date girls from all these countries!
The site is operated much like the VietnamCupid website so if you’ve used VietnamCupid before, you’ll feel right at home here.
If you got an Asian fetish and aren’t particular about which type of Asian girl that you want to date, then signing up with AsianDating makes a lot more sense.
Signup for a membership by clicking here and start meeting beautiful Asian girls today!
There are of course many other apps here in Vietnam, but most of them aren’t even worth mentioning (Bumble *cough cough*) as their user base is very limited and it hasn’t been adopted by the masses.
With these dating apps in hand, you should land plenty of dates with cute Vietnamese and other Asian girls.