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As online dating has gotten popular, it is quickly sweeping all across the world and Vietnam is no exception. No longer are you limited by the girls that you know in your social circle. You now have at your finger tips, thousands of girls that you can easily get in contact with by the click of a mouse.
Vice versa, Vietnamese girls also now have access to thousands of thirsty and horny men all hell bent on leaving disaster and destruction in their wake by running bad game and acting like desperate supplicating door mats. Knowing all this, is VietnamCupid still a viable option for meeting and dating beautiful Vietnamese girls in Vietnam?
Find out in this VietnamCupid review!

My first experience with Vietnamcupid occurred roughly 3 years ago. It was my first time in Vietnam and I didn’t speak a single word of Vietnamese except cảm ơn (thank you) in a thick western accent. Naturally this meant that communicating with local girls in person would be a no go unless she spoke decent English, so I shifted my attention to online dating.
I had previously read about VietnamCupid being a good alternative to Tinder in Vietnam. Besides the membership fee, I figured what did I have to lose?
I was skeptical at first about the website being a good return on investment. But things quickly changed, once I started to line up dates and actually go on them.
Soon, I bedded my first girl from VietnamCupid. A cute university student studying business management. After that, another and another…
Did I find the holy grail to dating Vietnamese girls here in Vietnam I thought.
Well, read on and find out what I still think about this dating website and how it can help you score with the local Vietnamese girls.
Today I am going to be reviewing VietnamCupid and whether or not its worth coughing up the money to potentially meet beautiful Vietnamese girls.
Who Is It For?
VietnamCupid has been around for a while now and caters to foreigners looking to meet Vietnamese girls. In addition to VietnamCupid, there are also a slew of sister websites catering to meeting women from different countries as well such as Thailand and China.
If Tinder is known at one end of the spectrum as a hookup / casual relationship app (This is changing here in Vietnam, as girls use it mainly for seeking serious relationships) then VietnamCupid is known as the long term relationship app at the opposite end of the spectrum.
Most girls on here are seeking long term relationships with the hope of getting married in the future with some lucky gentlemen or not (depending on how well you screened her).
Most of the clientele are focused on securing serious relationships. If your looking for quick flings then Tinder may be a better option for you. However, if your looking for a Vietnamese girl to be the future mother of your children then VietnamCupid is perhaps a better choice.

Membership Levels
Lets have a look at the different membership levels. VietnamCupid offers 3 tiers of membership levels starting at the free level.
- Basic Matching
- Can send a girl an interest (kind of similar to a like on Tinder)
- Can only talk with paying members (most girls don’t have paid memberships)
As you can see, it’s pretty much useless and a waste of time going with the free membership level as you can’t do jack all with it. Most of the girls don’t have paid memberships, therefore you can’t even read their messages as it’s blocked on the site. Maybe something like 1 out of every 500 girls has a paid membership, therefore I wouldn’t rely on targeting only girls with paid memberships. You certainly won’t be able to contact the cream of the crop this way.
I would however recommend that you create a free one first to have a look at the talent and see if it’s your cup of tea. If it is, then you can either get a longer membership or if your only in Vietnam for a short time, get either a 1 month or 3 month membership.
- Basic Matching
- Can send a girl an interest
- Communicate with all members (paying and non-paying)
- Live chat instant messenger
- Send and receive messages
- No ads
- Hide your profile and browse anonymously
- Basic Matching
- Can send a girl an interest
- Communicate with all members (paying and non-paying)
- Live chat instant messenger
- Send and receive messages
- No ads
- Hide your profile and browse anonymously
- Rank above other members
- Double the profile space
- Get VIP profile highlighting where your placed at the top of the searches and matches
- Extra search functions
- Advanced matching algorithms
- Translate messages into your own language
Out of the gold and platinum memberships, I would recommend that you pony up the few extra dollars to get the platinum membership.
Because of one thing specifically…
The ability to be ranked higher then other members and also to be highlighted right at the top of the matches and searches. This makes it much easier for Vietnamese girls to find you and message you. You will find that by being at the top of the page, your inbox will quickly get flooded within hours. Within 1 day, expect to have at least 20 messages from girls. I don’t know about you, but for me that extra few bucks is definitely worth it. There’s no longer a need to search endlessly for girls. The girls find you instead.


A gold member can cost as low as $10 USD a month if purchasing for an entire year. That’s a whopping 67% savings! If you prefer to test the waters, then a 1-month membership will cost $29.98 USD.
If you decide to go with a platinum member, those can be had for as low as $12.50 USD a month if your getting a membership for an entire year, a 64% savings.
If you think that you’re going to be dating Vietnamese girls for a while or you live in Vietnam, then its much more cost-effective to get a longer membership to enjoy significant cost savings!
Pricing will be listed in your local currency so there will be a little discrepancy due to exchange rates fluctuating.
Note: These prices are updated as of August 2019. If you notice that the price has changed, please let me know and I will update the price in this post.
Since we’re already determined that the free membership is useless, from here on out, all these points that I am making, only refer to the paying memberships because you won’t be able to perform them with the free membership.
- Can store messages in your inbox for up to 2 months (Used to be 6 months)
- Can instant chat with girls
- Can block and report girls
- Hide your profile anonymously

- Can send messages to girls worldwide (Not just in Vietnam)
- Pop up box if you get an interest from a girl and another pop up box if it’s mutual
- You can translate messages from Vietnamese to English
- A personal profile page with lots of room to fill out details and make your profile interesting to attract girls attention
- The website automatically gives you matches based on specific preferences that you select
- The ability to perform detailed searches on attributes that your looking for in a female including: country, city, km, age, height, weight, children, occupation, interests, income level, etc.
- Shows you the last login date of a girl on her profile
- Can see when a girl is online (Quite useful)
- Can see when a girl has read your message
- Can send a girl an interest which in turn sends her a notification that you sent her the interest
- Can favorite and bookmark a girl which also sends her a notification
- Notifications when someone sends you an interest, visits your profile, makes you their favorite, and sends you a message (Really useful)
- Can add notes for a specific girl and the girl will not be able to view the note
- Can report a girl for abuse such as scams, fake pics, etc. and also block girls as well
- Can add tags to your profile which makes it easier for girls to search for you

- Can verify your profile by uploading identification like a driver’s license or passport to get a verified badge that helps with ranking and being more trusted with girls (I personally didn’t do this and still get more than plenty of messages on here)

- Personality questionnaire to further help with narrowing matches
As you can see, its quite jam packed full of features. There will be a bit of a learning curve to using the interface once you’ve signed up but it’ll be worth it.
Ease of Use
The platform is pretty straight forward. You can either browse girls that are online, see your matches or search for members based on key attributes that you selected. Unlike some other dating websites ie. eHarmony, VietnamCupid does not restrict the amount of girls that you can message. This makes it great for when your trying to pipeline girls before your arrival.
Basically all the main functions are located at the top of the website such as:
- Number of users online
- Matches
- Search
- Messages (mailbox)
- Activity
- Settings

Members Online
The number of users online is illustrated by the number on the left most side of the navigation bar. Clicking on it brings you to a page showing all of the users online such as the one below. If your looking to have the best chance of making contact with a girl then I recommend you message girls that are already online as some girls won’t come back to the website for weeks, leaving your message unread for a while.

If you click on matches, it takes you to another screen similar to the members online screen except these girls have been screened to match your criteria. There are also two other options in this screen called mutual matches and reverse matches. In mutual matches, both you and the girls match each other’s criteria, whereas for reverse matches you are meeting a girl’s dating criteria but she doesn’t meet yours.

The search page on VietnamCupid is quite extensive and you can be pretty thorough in what your looking for, however, I would advise against it as it will greatly limit the number of potential matches that you will get. Anyhow it’s quite user friendly.

This is where all the magic happens, where if your smooth enough, you can grab her digits. Pretty self explanatory.
On tinder you may need to spend a bit more time coming up with crafty witty and funny messages, but not on here. Being cocky and funny, overly energetic, etc, turns girls off on here period!
When trying to start conversations with girls, its best to drop the stupid pick up lines. Just be friendly and polite. You’ll be amazed at how well this works here. Often times I’m able to grab their zalo or viber after only 3-5 messages! The girls are really serious about dating here.
Note: Messages older than 2 months get deleted. Its best to make a backup copy of any numbers that you grab from girls here otherwise it will get deleted in 2 months time.
A pop up screen is shown when you click on activities on the navigation tool bar. Here you can see at a glance the number of interests, messages, favorites, visitors that you have, as well as all of your activities.

This is where you can manage your profile and account settings such as your email, password, profile settings, billing info, etc.

If you click on your profile pic icon on the upper right corner, you can access a pop up screen that allows you to view and make changes to your profile such as uploading photos, and editing the description.
When writing a description, make it original and not boring. Girls have gotten used to reading the same profiles saying the same things over and over again. Give her something exciting and fresh to read.
When uploading photos, make sure to use decent photos with good lighting for your pics and remember to smile!
When you examine most guys photos on VietnamCupid, they look like they just came from a funeral or something. If your already scaring her with your photos online before you even met, what do you think the chances of you meeting her in real life are gonna be like?

The girls I found on average on VietnamCupid tended to be better looking then the ones you would find on Tinder. Tinder also has some really hot Vietnamese girls, but your chances of even matching with them is pretty low, whereas on VietnamCupid, you can directly message the girls without having to match with them, which gives it the edge.
Also there aren’t as many fake profiles on VietnamCupid compared to Tinder.
Remember those girls that look like models on Tinder with their instagram accounts listed under the description but never reply to a single message? Well they don’t exist here on VietnamCupid, probably they are must more stringent with bots and scammers. Which is a good thing for you.
You will find a tonne of cute girls on there, with the occasional hottie and some average looking girls too. On a rare occasion you may see a ladyboy or a hooker on there, but for the most part, the VietnamCupid team does a good job filtering out these accounts. There is even a report button that you can use in cases of this.

Most of the girls are cute and slim and know some basic English at the minimum.
You can find girls that look similar to these girls on VietnamCupid no problem.

Your Competition
If you learn how to create interesting and compelling profile descriptions, along with some nice professional done photographs, you will blow most guys out of the water.
Most guys are clueless when it comes to this department.
In fact, some guys don’t even have the common sense to smile in their photos!
It just makes it look creepy like he came from a funeral or something.

Don’t write boring descriptions about what you do for a living nor what your hobbies are.
Are you trying to get a girl attracted to you or make her fall asleep?
This is what a lot of guys do and then wonder why they don’t get any replies back.
Some guys like to list really high salaries on their profile as well with the hope of showing girls that they can support them. I don’t recommend you do this, otherwise you will be attracting the wrong types of girls from the site.
Remember, you want the girl to like you for your, not the size of your wallet. Either don’t list what your annual salary is, or put down a modest number.
Since most guys haven’t a clue on how to make themselves interesting online, it’s great news for you my friend!
If… You learn how to create an interesting and fun profile and don’t take bathroom selfies.
Reality Check
You can expect there to be a hand full of hot chicks usually in the 8 range maybe a rare nine. A good amount of 7s and the majority of girls being cute. Think girl next door type of look, and you got a pretty good picture of what to expect.
Keep in mind, I am rating these girls using a locals perception of them, not some rose colored glasses that a lot of foreigners tend to do. If your rating these girls through a foreigner’s criteria, you’ll feel like every girl is a hottie!
Local Vietnamese view beauty completely different from western standards. They look for things like pale skin, height, double eyelids, straight noses, and big round eyes.
Now for the average guy, you probably won’t be bagging the cream of the crop, but you’ll be getting dates with a lot of really cute girls that will blow anything you’ve ever gotten in the west right out of the water.

furthermore, you should expect to see much lower flakes when trying to meet girls on dates since the girls are more serious about dating unlike Tinder where girls go on there just to get free attention and boost their egos.
Lastly, you should see an uptick in quality compared to all of the dating apps here in Vietnam such as Tinder.
Nowadays girls on Tinder have gotten fed up with foreign guys just asking girls for sex outright and running terrible game and thus you will often see descriptions saying “NO ONS and NO FWB”.
In addition, by including a paying membership to really use Vietnamcupid to its full potential, the owners have essentially weeded out the low value guys that holler and spoil women.
Most of these low value guys are too cheap anyways to even avoid a membership!
My Experience
This is my experience from using VietnamCupid for about 2 years now. When I first joined the site, I got flooded with messages. I’m talking 15-20+ messages a day. Having great pics and a fun and interesting description helps tremendously.
Most of the girls that I communicated with were somewhere between average to cute, with a few hotties thrown in. I didn’t manage to get any hotties out and I suspect they were looking for rich well off guys only. However, I got dates with plenty of cute girls. In fact, too many to be honest.
I couldn’t keep up with it all and started to tone things down after a while. You will quickly learn what it feels like to respond to 20+ messages a day. This is how things are like for girls on other dating apps like Tinder, except now things are in reverse. You got chicks chasing after you instead.
It feels nice doesn’t it?

I found the quality of the girls that messaged me tended to be lower then the ones I pursued, so you’ll most likely need to message the prettier girls.
Since the average girl that joins VietnamCupid is looking for a serious relationship, expect a lot more replies back from girls after you’ve messaged them compared to Tinder. Getting a girl’s number should also be relatively easy.
Just make sure you don’t become texting buddies with her and ask for the number as soon as you feel she’s comfortable talking with you.
I usually get somewhere around 40-50% of the girls out on dates from this website once I’ve gotten their number. On tinder it’s more like 20-25%.
Out of that lot, expect to take the girl on a few dates before she’s willing to put out. You may occasionally run into a girl that’s more liberal and will sleep with you on the first night out, but the majority of girls won’t. It’s just not in Vietnamese dating culture to sleep around a lot compared to the west.
To learn more about Vietnamese dating culture, check out this article that I wrote here.
Also since the site attracts more serious relationship minded members, expect attention whoring to be much lower. I think I only ran into 2 instances of girls trying to attention whore on here.
If I were to compare VietnamCupid with Tinder, I would say that I’ve gotten significantly more dates on here then Tinder, and also quality has been higher as well. Girls that probably would not have matched with me on Tinder, I have gotten their numbers on here and even gotten out on dates.
If your traveling here for a only a short period of time, you can basically just start messaging girls 1-2 weeks before you arrive and by then, you will have a handful of dates ready to go.
Pros and Cons
- Higher quality girls then what you would find on other dating websites
- Less chance of encountering time wasters such as girls looking for attention or to practice their English
- Girls more serious about dating
- Higher conversation rates from initial message to date close
- Very little competition
- Can message girls directly instead of having to wait for matches
- Can see when girls are online and have read your messages
- Less flakes compared to Tinder
- More profile space and functions to help you stand out
- Ability to search for girls
- Need to pay for a membership to fully use it
I absolutely think you should get a VietnamCupid membership. This will make your stay in Vietnam a much more enjoyable one and pay dividends for you.
The amount of dates that you will get with cute girls will more than make up for the membership that you paid. Hell I don’t even think I ever heard of any guy complaining about VietnamCupid before. That’s just how good it is for meeting Vietnamese girls online.
This dating website makes getting dates extremely easy and once signed up, you’ll soon find yourself completely booked full of dates with pretty Vietnamese girls.
If you’d like to signup for an account with VietnamCupid and start getting dates today, click here.
After you’ve signed up for a membership, find out how you can secure yourself a date with a cute Vietnamese girl in 24 hours or less in this article here.
After you’ve gotten the girls number, read this article to find out the best date spots to take your date.
Let me know in the comments below what your experience has been like with VietnamCupid.
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January 13, 2021 at 4:22 pm[…] eggs in Hanoi, Vietnam, or some other tasty tip. It’s just good karma. I checked out some of the best site to meet Vietnamese girls and I did find a lot of dates for me who also ended up being my travel […]
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