Hello readers,
I know that it’s been a while since I last posted on here and I do apologize for the lack of updates and content as of late.
As you know, I not only create and manage content for the site but also for the youtube channel and email list as well.
Unfortunately, this meant oftentimes in the past I would be switching back and forth between creating content on different mediums and thus there would be interruptions in the content being published.
And this is on top of my other side projects that I have going on as well and dealing with all of the setbacks caused by Covid-19.
Being a one-man team means that unfortunately, I won’t be able to pump out as much content as I would like, at least not while maintaining the same level of quality that you have come to expect from me.
It also doesn’t help that I’m not the world’s fastest writer either.
I’m learning as I go and will most likely continue to make mistakes as I go through this learning curve that most content creators go through.
I am human after all.
These are some lessons that I’ve picked up and learned along the way of this journey:
- Not creating content in batches (leads to pauses in new content for visitors to read or watch)
- Neglecting to take better care of my email list (leads to a lot of unsubs when people finally hear from you again 6+ months later and wonder who you are lol)
- Not trying to communicate more with my readers and fans (need to get better with status updates if I disappear like that)
- Not communicating with my youtube followers on youtube if I am going to disappear like that. (I’m still trying to figure out how to put up status updates on that platform without making a new video)
So with these new things in mind, here’s what’s going to happen going forward:
- I will try to keep you guys updated more regularly especially if I won’t be posting new content as much, just to let you guys know that I’m still around
- Expect to be receiving emails from me on a regular basis if you are signed up on the email list. In fact, for those of you guys that are signed already, you may have noticed that recently you started to receive more emails from me. That wasn’t incidental, I spent several weeks writing out emails in batches so that you guys could get a regular dose of content on a regular basis.
- I will be releasing more blog posts on a regular schedule (Every Monday perhaps) so that you guys know when to come back here for new content.
- I will be creating a new batch of youtube videos once I have written a fair amount of blog posts for the site.
So please bear with me as I try to create more content in batches so that in the future you won’t need to be waiting quite as long for new content to arrive.
Dating in Other Asian Countries
Some of you guys have been asking me previously to talk about dating other Asian ethnicities as well and creating content around these topics, so in the near future, I will be including some articles involving these topics and may reach out to some other individuals with a bit more experience in these areas and have them share their experience with you guys.
P.S. If you would like to share your own experience with dating Vietnamese women or women from other Asian countries, please get in touch with me using the contact me page here.
Your Questions and Feedback
One last thing before I let you go…
In order for me to continue providing you the content that you love and helping answer questions that you may have, I need you to give me some feedback and tell me what are your biggest frustrations and problems that you are having.
I’ve created a simple short survey with only a couple of questions. If you have a minute, please complete the survey so that I am better able to help you with my content.
Alternatively, you can also send me an email using my contact form here.
And don’t forget to keep me in the loop by letting me know how my content and emails are helping you.
I love to read emails from my fans.
July 8, 2020 at 11:39 amYou could increase your typing speed by learning proper hand placement, proper finger placement and typing testers!
Search google for “proper hand placement typing” and using a typing trainer websites like https://www.keybr.com/. I used to type slowly but now I type extremely fast(from 40 wpm with a lot of errors to 77 wpm with almost no errors!).
Ps: A mechanical keyboard will sound so nice that you would want to learn how to type fast just to listen to the sounds! I know i did XD
Viet Kieu Dating
July 8, 2020 at 12:49 pmThat’s not what I meant by being the slowest writer lol.
I meant that it takes me a while to come up with the right words to use when I’m writing. You can write a story and just make it sound OK or you can write a story and make it sound great. The latter requires you to come up with the right tone and voice to convey the message better.
July 9, 2020 at 12:16 pmOh, I tough that you meant that you meant typing speed… My bad 😅 Anyways, It’s good to see that you are going to upload more content, communicating more with your readers more and taking into account feedback!