
should you come to vietnam during tet to meet girls?


Tet is knocking on our doors and its the biggest holiday to ever grace Vietnam.

Prepare to see fireworks light up the skies, tonnes of delicious food being prepared, beautiful decorations littered everywhere, and noise levels you never imagined you could tolerate.

I remember experiencing the Tet festival for the first time a few years back.

As soon as I exited the departure gate at the airport, I saw mobs of onlookers all staring at me as if I was a celebrity.

And just as quickly, a huge heatwave engulfed every inch of my body, as the decibel levels in my eardrums quickly became overloaded with noise from the outside.

Yup, there was no doubt about it.

I was in Vietnam and it was the Tet holiday where countless others just like me had just got off the same plane waiting to be picked up by loved ones.

I had seen tonnes of pictures and videos back home of beautiful Vietnamese girls all sporting the traditional Vietnamese dress, the áo dài prior to arriving here in Vietnam, and was looking forward to meeting some of these Vietnamese girls soon after appearing here.

But was the Tet festival all it was hyped up to be?

Would there be scores of single pretty Vietnamese girls all lining the streets in beautiful silk dresses waiting to meet a young guy like?

I was gonna find out soon enough.

On today’s article, we’ll explore whether or not Tet is a good time to visit Vietnam to meet Vietnamese girls or should you hold off on your vacation plans.

Girls Put More Effort Into Their Appearances

Vietnamese girl in a white dress leaned up against the wall

During the Tet holiday, you can expect most girls to put a lot more effort into their physical appearances.

You probably won’t find another country with as many girls putting on dresses and makeup as during the Tet festival here, except for maybe China during new years.

Lots of parks, malls, and attractions all throughout the country will have spent plenty of time and money decorating the area to make it look fabulous to attract visitors.

What this means is that you can expect to see loads of beautiful Vietnamese women all flocking to these places to snap photos with their friends and family.

The more eager and keen ones will even hire a photographer to take professional photos of her.

These places are usually packed full of people.

But that’s where the positives end…

Girls With Be With Their Families

Lion dance during Tet

If you thought you could just come up to a pretty Vietnamese lady and try to strike up a conversation with her without appearing creepy, well guess again.

Nearly every single girl you see out during Tet will be with her family or close friends.

Not only will you have to deal with being cockblocked by her loved ones, but there’s also a massive amount of prying eyes around everywhere as well.

Even if she was interested in you, being seen talking with some stranger while her family and close friends look on will make her quite uncomfortable and hesitant to be exchanging numbers with you, or even just having a normal chat.

Less People in the Cities

During my first Tet over here in Vietnam, I expected there to be a tonne of people in the city all partaking in the Tet festivities, yet when Tet did arrive, I was welcomed with a ghost town instead.

Outside of those photo taking hot spots, various neighborhoods felt abandoned.

A lot of the girls I had been talking with online and trying to setup dates with had all gone missing.

They had all fled the city to go back to their hometowns to spend the Lunar new year holiday with their family, while city dwellers will soon leave the cities to go on vacation to beach or mountain resorts.

What a bummer it was.

Nearly every street had shops closed for the holidays, and absent of people.

This wasn’t the Vietnam I had envisioned.

If you plan on coming to Vietnam during the Tet holiday, be prepared to have a lot of girls disappear on you.

You will received a lot of replies from girls such as the following:

Oh I’m sorry, I went back to my hometown for the Tet holiday.

A girl gone AWOL

As you can imagine, this can be quite frustrating for many men, especially men that are on a tight deadline.

Maybe you used up your pitiful 2 week vacation to come to Vietnam, hoping to nap yourself a nice Vietnamese wife, or you wanted to date around to potentially find yourself a nice Vietnamese girlfriend.

Whatever your plan was, its now been shot dead in its tracks.

I know mines nearly was the first time I came to Vietnam. I only had 1 month to spend here yet more than half of my leads had disappeared for 2 weeks or more.

Various regions around the cities will feel like a ghost town especially as Tet nears and lots of shops close up for the holidays to celebrate the Tet festival with their loved ones.

Your abundant Tinder profile swipes and matches will suddenly turn into a famine as girls all flock out of the city.

If you choose to come here during Tet, don’t say that I didn’t warn you.

Things More Expensive

Typical Vietnamese food eaten during Tet

Now because a lot of shops close up during the Tet holiday, the shops that do remain open know that they have leverage and can charge a premium for goods and services.

A bowl of noodles that would typically cost you around 35-40k vnd (About $1.50-2) will now suddenly run you double or triple the price.

Getting around the city will also be more expensive as less Grab drivers will be around to compete for your dollar.

The concept of standardized year round pricing does not apply here in Vietnam.

Whatever people are willing to pay dictates the prices here.

In fact, even some local attractions will see prices increase on a year by year basis.

I remember going to the war remnants museum one time after watching a youtube video that listed the prices. The video was only a year old, yet I was shocked when I showed up and found out that admission prices had increased by 25%!

Its a simple concept of supply and demand.

Less supply during the holidays + more demand from tourists visiting Vietnam during Tet = higher prices for everyone.

A lot of Vietnamese people choose to eat at home rather then go out and eat during Tet because they know prices have gone up significantly.

Families that typically eat out all the time will now cook their own foods.

Girls Stay at Home With Their Family

Two Vietnamese girls smiling together

If your trying to schedule dates with girls during the holidays, you can forget about it.

During Tet, girls are expected to spend the holidays with their families, so this means you can kiss most of your dates goodbye, as most girls won’t be abandoning their families to spend it with some stranger.

You may get lucky and either catch her right before the holidays start or right after, but during the Tet holiday, her butt ain’t leaving the house, as she will be required to help out around the house.

More Competition

If you thought you were the only foreigner with insider intel on the Tet holiday, well guess again.

Each year legions of Viet Kieus (overseas Vietnamese) come back to the motherland during Tet to visit family, go on vacation, and also to seek a wife.

Unlike your cheap ass backpacker or ESL teacher who likes to penny pinch, Viet Kieus do the opposite.

They will throw money around like no tomorrow because they understand how the game is played down here.

Face means everything here.

And they know that throwing down coin will quickly help spread the word and soon Vietnamese ladies will all be lined up to date them and potentially even get married.

Its not surprisingly then that during Tet competition levels are much higher compared to the rest of the time here in Vietnam.

A girl that you otherwise would have gotten out on a date a month ago, now suddenly either goes cold as soon as you reply back to her, or gives you attitude and makes you jump through hoops.

She knows her value has skyrocketed during this time and thus she can be more demanding in what she wants in a partner.

If you aren’t willing to throw down the gauntlet then you got no business being here during Tet.


In conclusion, I don’t think that you should bother coming to Vietnam during the Tet holiday if your main goal is for dating purposes.

You will need to content with more competition, less girls being around, higher prices, and also having a lot less dates during this time period.

Now if on the other hand, you want to experience what all the fuss is about during Tet, then come on down here.

You will get to experience a whole different side of Vietnam that you’ve never seen before.

Things like firecrackers going off regularly, beautiful decorations sprinkled all throughout the country, long line ups at temples, and warm Vietnamese hospitality that makes you feel like apart of the family.

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  • Reply
    March 6, 2020 at 11:22 am

    You have excellent content, so useful for travelers and tourists. But you need to proofread your stuff. It really is worth it because what you have to say is so interesting. There are errors all through every article I’ve read and I’ve read a few. Maybe software like Grammarly (I know, I know….they have such irritating ads on YouTube) or other ones can help. For some reason I can’t even copy and paste on this page so I can’t show you some of the errors. They’re distracting, that’s all. Anyway, thank you for some great info. I’ve always been fascinated by Vietnam and the culture. They are probably the slowest aging people in the world; they really won the genetic lottery.

    • Reply
      March 6, 2020 at 11:56 am

      I disabled copy and pasting on purpose. I had some people try to plagiarize my content. I’ll have a look at grammarly. Thx

  • Reply
    January 7, 2023 at 9:42 am

    Hey there! Thanks for the insight!
    I’ve been in Vn for several weeks now (I wanna make a living here so I have a long game plan).
    So right before the western New year I managed to go out with a vn girl which was really really sweet, but now tết is upon us and she’s giving me the family treat for not being around (which I respect).
    She’s not much of a late nighter and is pretty introvert and sheltered. But now I’m semi – ghosted because she has responsabilities.
    My question is: is this an excuse? (I really felt the feeling on both sides but don’t want to be in denial)
    Or is she really busy and will give me a green light after that?
    I’m playing it cool by not insisting or anything, perhaps send a greeting when it’s the official Tết beginning, but damn, got cockblocked hard.

    • Reply
      Viet Kieu Dating
      January 7, 2023 at 3:43 pm

      Typically around Tet, girls will spend most of their time with their family, and if her family isn’t from the city, they will go back to their hometown and stay there during tet. I wouldn’t sweat it. Just occasionally send her some texts during tet and then arrange to meetup after tet.

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